THE 3 BEST Copy & Multipurpose Paper
March 2025
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1. NU £5.99
(from 60 reviews)
2. Xerox £7.76
(from 328 reviews)
3. Canon £14.33
(from 55 reviews)

Your Guide to Buying Copy & Multipurpose Paper

Do you want to learn more about what paper to buy and use for your office?  Have no fear!  Where here to provide you with the exact information that you need in this area.

Types of Copy & Multipurpose Paper

There are different types of copy & multipurpose paper in the shops and office supplies.  Cost depends on the quality, quantity and the brand of the product.  These are:

A4 - This is the most common paper used in the office for photocopying and fax purposes. 

Short -  This is an informal type of paper that is most commonly used in photocopying and printing shops.

Long or legal size - This is commonly used for legal documents.

What Other Buyers Are Saying

Mostly, buyers purchase paper depending on the printer or photocopying machine they are going to use.  There are those who comment the paper works well with their printer while others state that the paper is slippery.

What to Look Out for

If you don't mind breaking the bank just to go for quality, then, you'll certainly buy expensive brand of paper.  However, if you would rather mind about cost, then, you'll go for cheap brands.

Most Popular Copy & Multipurpose Paper Brands

These are Xerox, which manufactures photocopiers as well, HP, which manufactures printers too, and Canon, which makes and sells printers.