THE 8 BEST Dishwasher Detergent
March 2025
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1. Fairy £10.00
(from 127 reviews)
2. Finish £12.41
(from 315 reviews)
3. Finish £7.92
(from 343 reviews)
4. Fairy £11.45
(from 127 reviews)
5. Fairy £24.00
(from 23 reviews)
6. Fairy £16.99
(from 7 reviews)
7. Finish £24.49
(from 584 reviews)
8. Finish £14.99
(from 315 reviews)

Buying Guide to Dishwasher Detergents

When you wash your dishes, you want them to be sparkly clean and neat, especially when these were smeared with a lot of food.  There are many dishwasher detergents available but we would be discussing the different types of dishwasher detergents, what other buyers are saying, what to look out for and some of the most popular brands.

Types of Dishwasher Detergents


Oxygen-based bleaching agents (older-style powders and liquids contain chlorine-based bleaching agents)

Non-ionic surfactants

Alkaline salts


Anti-corrosion agent(s)

Dishwashing detergent may also contain:

  • Anti-foaming agents
  • Additives to slow down the removal of glaze & patterns from glazed ceramics
  • Perfumes
  • Anti-caking agents (in granular detergent)
  • Starches (in tablet based detergents)
  • Gelling agents (in liquid/gel based detergents)
  • Sand (inexpensive powdered detergents)

Dishwasher detergents are strongly alkaline (basic).

Inexpensive powders may contain sand. Such detergents may harm the dishes and the dishwasher. Powdered detergents are more likely to cause fading on china patterns.

Besides older style detergents for dishwashers, biodegradable detergents also exist for dishwashers. These detergents may be more environmentally friendly than conventional detergents.

Hand-washing dish detergent (washing up liquid) creates a large foam of bubbles which will leak from the dishwasher.

Rinse aid (sometimes called rinse agent) contains surfactants and uses Marangoni stress to prevent droplet formation, so that water drains from the surfaces in thin sheets, rather than forming droplets.

The benefits of using it are that it prevents "spotting" on glassware (caused by droplets of water drying and leaving behind dissolved limescale minerals), and can also improve drying performance as there is less water remaining to be dried. A thinner sheet of water also has a much larger surface-area than a droplet of the same volume, which increases the likelihood of water molecules evaporating.

What Other  Buyers Are Saying

There are many kinds of dishwasher detergents out there and these come in various forms so, buying one depends on your preference and on the kitchenware that you have.   For example, if you are concerned about the environment, you can use biodegradable detergents.

Here are some feedback that a dishwasher detergent has received from its customers:

Original and best, much better than supermarket own brand washing tablets. Buying them in bulk like this really keeps the price down and because they are individually wrapped they don't go off or cause a mess.

Such a good price. I don't do brand loyalty and have tried just about every make of dishwasher tablet there is by buying whatever is on special offer at the time. I can see no difference in the results no matter what I use. This price was exceptionally good and if it stays this way I'll be buying every 3 months. (I per day for a 90 pack).

Can't go wrong for money versus quality, the odd one leaves a bit of chalky paste behind but I think that's down to how you load the washer and then setting, a good wash and if you want to pay double in the supermarket for same job and product, then fair play.

What to Look Out for

There are many dishwasher detergents out there so, you need to choose wisely on what you are going to purchase.   Read the ingredients as well as the directions to use in or der to find out if to find out if you are allergic to it and if it's okay to use with your dishwasher.

Also, buying a dishwasher detergent should depend on the type you want.  And it comes in various forms like a tablet and liquid gel.  So better be acquainted with your dishwasher to check the best dishwasher detergent to use.

Most Popular  Brands

Finish - contains powerball that washes away residue even in hard water conditions.  And it protects glass from corrosion so, glasses retain their shine for a longer period of time.

 Fairy - is one of the well-known products in UK.  It manufactures dishwasher detergents, which dissolve faster to clean kitchenware, cleans your filter against limescale, keeps the dishwasher smelling clean and fresh and helps prevent grease build-up on the drainage system, filters and spray arm.